Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions for the subscription of an online membership at CryptoExplorer Pro. 

As of 28th September 2021

Area of application

The following General Terms and Conditions apply to the contractual agreement for the subscription of an online membership at CryptoExplorer GmbH, trading as CryptoExplorer. Registered in Austria, 1190 Vienna, Gallmeyergasse 18/4/3. E-Mail: support@cryptoexplorer.cc


The content on this website is copyrighted © CryptoExplorer GmbH.

All original works and materials created by CryptoExplorer are protected by copyright and may not be copied or distributed without the permission of the owner. The copyright extends to all materials, articles, videos, courses, forum contributions, pictures, documents, emails or other contents offered on the website, which are subject to the Austrian copyright law.

If you violate these provisions, you are guilty of copyright infringement and are liable in court. Do not copy, distribute, edit, modify, steal or sell any copyrighted original works and materials created or provided by CryptoExplorer. The content of our documents, videos, articles, emails or other content is all original works and remains the property of CryptoExplorer unless otherwise noted.


CryptoExplorer Academy is not an educational institution, nor should it be seen as such. Our educational offer consists of online courses, videos and guides and can therefore not be compared to any well-founded education of a university. The term Academy only summarizes the educational offer available on this site and does not stand for an educational institution.

General advice

By viewing material or using the information on our website, you agree that this is general training material and that you will not hold any person or organization responsible for any loss or damage resulting from the content or general advice provided by CryptoExplorer and its employees and partners. Any advice or information on this website is only general advice and does not take into account your personal circumstances. You should not act or invest solely on the basis of such information. There are risks involved in trading and investing in Cryptocurrencies. You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept these risks in order to invest money in the Cryptocurrency market. This website does not offer buy/sell signals for cryptocurrencies or other financial products. No guarantees are given by or on behalf of CryptoExplorer that anyone else will or is likely to make similar profits or losses as those discussed in any material on our website.

Establishment of the contract

The entry as an online member is basically possible at any time via the address https://pro.cryptoexplorer.cc. By ticking the checkbox General Terms and Conditions” and completing the registration process, the contract is concluded. The contracting party will be informed of this by an electronic message.

Termination of the online membership 

Access to the online content is valid for the period of time you have purchased. After the period for which you have paid, your access to the relevant membership content will expire and your account will automatically no longer have member privileges.

Ordinary termination

You may terminate your membership at any time by deleting your subscription, not renewing your subscription, or by contacting us at the email address listed above.

Extraordinary exclusion

CryptoExplorer may at any time determine the exclusion of an online member for good cause. Such a reason is given if the online member violates the Terms and Conditions or violates essential interests of CryptoExplorer.

Privacy Policy

We collect, process and use personal data of the contractors exclusively on the basis of the statutory provisions (DSGVO, DSG 2018, TKG 2003). Reference is made to the data protection declaration available at:

Additional terms and conditions

Conflicting terms and conditions

Any other terms and conditions that contradict these Terms and Conditions will not be accepted, unless CryptoExplorer has given a written assurance to this effect.

Oral agreements or collateral agreements

Agreements must be made in writing, oral agreements or subsidiary agreements are excluded and are not valid.

Reservation of right of modification

CryptoExplorer reserves the right to change these terms and conditions in the future. The applicant will be informed via email. If the applicant does not object to the changes within one month, the changed terms of contract are considered as agreed.

Place of jurisdiction and applicable law 

These contractual terms and conditions and any disputes arising in connection with the online membership in CryptoExplorer are subject exclusively to Austrian law. For all disputes arising from this contract, the competent court in Vienna is agreed as place of jurisdiction.

Access rights

Please be advised that the uninterrupted availability of our product cannot be guaranteed indefinitely, and we reserve the right to terminate or modify any content on our site at any given time, without prior notice or liability. We would like to emphasize that refunds will only be granted for a percentage of the paid content that will not be available for future access, as the aforementioned content such as courses will solely be provided to our exclusive members. Please take note that lifetime access to our site is contingent on the accessibility of the content on our platform, and we cannot ensure that it will be indefinitely available at all times. In the event that CryptoExplorer Pro is terminated or no longer available, every member will be entitled to a downloadable resource of the content on the platform. This resource will be distributed via email for a period of no less than 30 days, which shall be provided to the email address previously registered on CryptoExplorer.

Refund policy

You may terminate your membership at any time by deleting your membership, not renewing it, or by contacting us at the email address listed above. Please note that no returns are granted, unless expressly specified otherwise. The terms of the refund are those indicated on the landing page of the course. Requests for refunds of membership fees will not be honored unless such requests are received within 14 days of the date on which membership was initiated. Refund requests must be made in writing by the payer and will be accepted by email. Applications must be received within the specified refund period. Refund requests must include the following information:
– Date of payment
– Username and email
– a reason why you want a refund
– full name of the member
– full name of the cardholder of the card used for payment
– or email address of the Paypal account used for payment
– the first 4 digits and the last 4 digits of the credit card with which the payment was made, if the payment was made by credit card

If refunds are eligible, they will be credited back to the credit card/PayPal account originally used for the payment.

Risk Warnings

The information provided on the CryptoExplorer website is for educational services only and should not be considered as investment advice or a recommendation of any other particular investment, strategy/investment product. Trading cryptocurrencies has great potential advantages, but also great potential risks. The high degree of leverage and market volatility can work both against you and in your favor. You must be aware of the risks of investing in crypto currencies and be prepared to accept the risks in order to trade in these markets. Foreign exchange trading carries a significant risk of loss and is not suitable for all investors. Please do not trade with borrowed money or money that you cannot afford to lose. This website does not offer crypto currency signals or other financial products for buying/selling. No guarantees are given by or on behalf of Cryptocurrency that any account will or is likely to make profits or losses similar to those discussed in any material on our website. Any opinions, news, analysis, prices or other information on our website and related platforms are provided as general market commentary and do not constitute investment advice. We accept no liability for any loss or damage, including but not limited to loss of profit, which may arise directly or indirectly from the use of or reliance on such information.

Market risk

The cryptocurrency market is relatively new and uncertain. Consequently, you should exercise caution when trading and holding digital tokens. You should not invest funds in the cryptocurrency market that you are not prepared to completely lose; i.e., only allocate risk capital to digital tokens. After you take a position in a specific coin (or multiple coins), it is impossible to know whether the coin(s) or the entire market will lose/gain a substantial amount of value resulting in a substantial loss to your portfolio. This is true whether you long or short the market.


You agree to indemnify and hold CryptoExplorer, any of its contractors, partners and employees harmless from and against any and all losses, liabilities, claims, demands, damages, costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys’ fees.

CryptoExplorer believes that the material on this website is based on reliable information. However, CryptoExplorer does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of the material on this Site, and the material should be verified by other sources. All predictions are estimates only and cannot be realized.

The material on our website does not represent either: an offer or invitation by CryptoExplorer; or a recommendation by CryptoExplorer to buy or sell crypto currencies or other financial products.

Nothing on our website constitutes personal financial advice. The material on this website does not take into account the personal circumstances and needs of any particular individual. You should consider your own personal circumstances before making any investment decision. Except for liability which cannot be excluded by law, CryptoExplorer excludes all liability (including liability for negligence) arising from the use of the material and content on our website. Liability which cannot be legally excluded is limited to the maximum extent possible. This website should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. Except for liability which cannot be excluded by law, CryptoExplorer excludes all liability (including liability for negligence) arising from the use of data or information provided by third parties on our website. Liability that cannot be excluded by law is limited to the maximum extent possible.

Affiliate disclaimer

We’ve always believed in transparency on the web and so we are disclosing that we’ve included certain products and links to those products on this site that we may earn an affiliate commission for any purchases you make. The buyer (you) has no disadvantage, usually even an advantage.

Affiliate marketing is the process by which an affiliate earns a commission to market the products of another person or company. The affiliate promotes this product and earns part of the profit from each sale made.

However, this does not impact our reviews and comparisons. We do our best to keep things fair and balanced, in order to help you make the best choice for your needs.

We try to mark affiliate links with a “*”. For the correctness, completeness and topicality, however, we can not guarantee.

Breach of terms and conditions

Without prejudice to our other rights under these Terms and Conditions, if you breach these Terms and Conditions in any way or if we have reasonable grounds to suspect that you have breached these Terms and Conditions in any way, we may
– send you one or more formal warnings
– temporarily limit your access to our website
– permanently deny you access to our website
– block computers that use your IP address from accessing our website
– block or delete your account on our website
– take legal action against you, whether for breach of contract or otherwise

If we suspend or prohibit or block your access to our site or any part of our site, you may not take any action to circumvent such suspension, prohibition or block, including but not limited to creating and/or using another account.